2019 has been a healthy season, and I have been working with some amazing folks in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto!

My Word Juggling show is finally off the ground! I have been working on this for years through trial and error and now I have some original material that I am proud to share with the world. I have 30 minutes of juggling, and word juggling material to present, and it’s just going to get better from there! Innovation is not an easy task, but the new props are being made, and I actually cried when I finally had a plastic 3D letter prop in my hand. It’s alive!

I took a 2 week break from performance in July to study circus in Canada with a talented group of academic circus folks from all over the world. Topics included the history of Circus in Quebec, contemporary circus and the rejection of old circus formats, workshops with Sean Gandini, and Yaron Lifschitz, large panel discussions. This graduate seminar was incredible, and I recommend it to anyone. It’s run by Patrick Leroux at Concordia university. If you click this link you can get on the mailing list for future talks and workshops here in Montreal: https://resonance.hexagram.ca/circus/
Contemporary Circus
Class of 2019
2019 brought many events with Productions Hoopdanse and Orbital Talent, and it’s been such a treat to work with Marianne and company. We also tried busking together early in the season, her with her accordion and me with the juggling, and it was so lovely! I just love her and her friends and I highly recommend you keep an eye on her work too!

I am now back to teaching contact juggling, so look forward to some upcoming tutorials and workshops! Thanks for all the fun summer of 2019 – here comes the holidays. Can’t wait!
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