I was really luck to be a part of the event the filmed for this ad.  Public Dreams Society brings amazing arts to everyone in our community. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary soon, here is the promo for the fundraising party they are throwing, you should go, it’s going to be super fun! I will be volunteering there, be sure to come say hi.

Also, they will be doing an event here at the Brittania Center, Parade of Lost Souls on October 30th!! I will be teaching a juggling workshop there in the evening, I am so happy I get to work with them again. Thanks to Public Dreams for an amazing 25 years of helping people celebrate arts!

Also, if anyone wants to do stilt walking they will be teaching a new class  Sunday September 26th, 2010! I took this workshop last summer and then got to perform at Illuminares!

I look forward to working with them over the fall.

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